The building of the miniature “Stone Henge” provided a shilling a day to many local people who were unemployed.
Distance approximately 5 miles (8km) From The Black Swan walk on the road up the hill and turn left at the school and follow the road, cross the metal bridge and turn right. Walk uphill and then turn right towards Broadmires. Carry on through the farm and go through the gate at the end of the yard. Head towards the wooded area. Go through the gate and follow the track. Continue on the track and go through the next two gates. Carry on across the field towards the gate in the wall, go through the gate and keep the wall on your right, through the next set of gate posts the path falls down hill until you meet a track bed of a disused railway, turn left at the intersection almost doubling back on yourself up the hill.Bear right and continue to follow the track. Keep the wooded area on the right and go through the next gate. Continue to follow the track and go over the fence. Turn right up the road until you get to the car park. Go through the car park and follow the track after the barriers up to Druids Temple.
Go over the stile and head across the next field towards the ladder stile. Once over the stile, follow the track. Midway up the field turn left and cut through the small wooded area into the next field.
Bear right and continue to follow the track. Keep the wooded area on the right and go through the next gate. Continue to follow the track and go over the fence. Turn right up the road until you get to the car park. Go through the car park and follow the track after the barriers up to Druids Temple. Return back to the car park and follow the road you came up. Opposite the path you came from you will find a stile on the right hand side of the road. Go over the stile and follow the track to the right of the house, and go through the gate andbear left.
Go over the stile and head down the hill, whilst keeping the wall on the left-hand side. At the bottom, turn left and go through the gate. Walk along the track, keeping the wooded area on the right. Carry on through the gate and turn left onto the road. Just past the buildings, immediately turn right and follow the track towards the footbridge. Once over the bridge, bear left and walk along the track, with the stream on the left. Go through the gate and carry on along the track.Before Lobley Hall, turn left and go through the gate. Then bear right towards the bridge.
Go over the bridge and turn right over the stile. Walk uphill and go over the next stile. Once over, bear right onto the track. In the middle of the field, bear left and head towards the gate. Continue uphill and head towards the next gate.Go through the gate and head across the field to the white and green gate on the right. Head across the field towards Stonefold Farm, and the next stile. Once over the stile, turn right in the farmyard. Again, turn right and walk down the farm track. Go through the gate and bear right onto the road. Walk up the road and at the school, turn right and walk back to the Black Swan
Fearby, Masham, Ripon
North Yorkshire
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